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Main Categories > Professional Stage Lighting > LED Moving Head > FramePro 600     <<Prev  Next>>
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LED Moving Head:LED 600w lamp, Frame Beam Spot Wash 4-in-1, CMY,CTO

LED Moving Head:LED 600w lamp, Frame Beam Spot Wash 4-in-1, CMY,CTO

LED Moving Head:LED 600w lamp, Frame Beam Spot Wash 4-in-1, CMY,CTO

LED Moving Head:LED 600w lamp, Frame Beam Spot Wash 4-in-1, CMY,CTO

LED Moving Head:LED 600w lamp, Frame Beam Spot Wash 4-in-1, CMY,CTO

LED Moving Head:LED 600w lamp, Frame Beam Spot Wash 4-in-1, CMY,CTO

LED Moving Head:LED 600w lamp, Frame Beam Spot Wash 4-in-1, CMY,CTO

 FramePro 600  - LED 600w lamp, Frame Beam Spot Wash 4-in-1, CMY,CTO

FramePro 600/800 is compact version for Matrix Profile X1

It is Beam spot wash hybrid 4-in-1, 4 independent shutter blades, each blade can individuallyclose, can rotate 90°


Light Source:
LED 600w/800w 8000k white

FramePro 600: 68,600LUX@5M at 5°,2700LUX@5M at 50°
FramePro 800: 99,200LUX@5M at 5°,3900LUX@5M at 50.

4 groups 8 direction frameing

CMY color mixing system
Color wheels: 6 colors +CTO +Open
CTO: 2700-6500k

Gobo Wheels:
Fixed gobo wheel: 8 fixed gobo + Animation gobo + Open
Rotation gobo: 7 replaceable gobo + open

Prism Wheel:
Prism Wheel 2: Rotatable 4-facet Circular

Frost Filters:
Frost 1: Heavy frost for wash effect

DMX Channel Modes: 34,39,56chs
Color LCD display with 4-button function menu
Control Mode: DMX512 or internal programs
6 Dim Modes: Standard, Stage, TV, Architectural, Theatre, Stage2
4 Dim Curves: Square, Linear, Inv. Square and S. Curve
Selectable LED Refresh Rates (900 Hz~25K Hz)
0-100% smooth dimming
Various strobe speeds
With Wired Digital Communication Network
RDM (Remote Device Management)

Pan: 540 degrees
Tilt: 270 degrees
Pan & Tilt Locks

DMX Connections: 3/5-pin XLR In/Out
Power Connections: Ture1
Date in&out: Artnet(for optional)
Multi-voltage operation: 100-240V, 50/60Hz
Max power consumption: 800w for FramePro 600/ 1000w for FramePro 800

Dimensions & Weight:
Weight:61.73 lbs (28kg)



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